Family Solutions is, a family-based model of care and is a division of the Behavioral Health department Christ Community Health Services.
Located at 3481 Austin Peay Hwy, at Christ Community Health Services’ Raleigh Health Center is available to all Christ Community Health Center and School-based health center patients. Family Solutions is staffed with Licensed Therapists and Psychologists, that offer families a judgment-free zone to navigate the many challenges they may be face with their children and within the family.
Parents and children can have access to individual counseling, family counseling, and support groups to assist in managing everything from developmental challenges, and trauma to Mental health conditions. In addition, Family Solutions offers a variety of specialty alternative therapies such as Mindfulness Meditations, Yoga, Physical stress-relieving activities and informational workshops designed to equip families with the solutions needed to create a healthy and supportive environment for the children.
For more information, contact Tara Seay, Director of Family Solutions, Family Therapist, at (901) 701-2626 or tara.seay@christchs.org